marco valenti scrive

marco valenti scrive

21 novembre 2016

René Magritte

Il 21 novembre 1898 nasce in Belgio René Magritte.

I suoi quadri mi hanno accompagnato nel diventare adulto e mi hanno fatto sognare diversamente da come avrei fatto se non li avessi visti.

Oggi  mi va di ricordarmelo e raccontarvelo.

La canzone di Paul Simon è bellissima.

Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war
Returned to their hotel suite
And they unlocked the door
Easily losing their evening clothes
They danced by the light of the moon
To the Penguins, the Moonglows
The Orioles, and The Five Satins
The deep forbidden music
They'd been longing for
Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war

Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war
Were strolling down Christopher Street
When they stopped in a men's store
With all of the mannequins dressed in the style
That brought tears to their immigrant eyes
Just like The Penguins, the Moonglows
The Orioles, and The Five Satins
The easy stream of laughter
Flowing through the air
Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog apres la guerre

Side by side
They fell asleep
Decades gliding by like Indians
Time is cheap
When they wake up they will find
All their personal belongings
Have intertwined
Oh Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war
Were dining with the power elite
And they looked in their bedroom drawer
And what do you think
They have hidden away
In the cabinet cold of their hearts?

The Penguins, the Moonglows
The Orioles, and The Five Satins
For now and ever after
As it was before
Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war

2 commenti:

  1. Ieri dopo essere andati alla Madonna della Salute, con Ale siamo andati al Guggenheim e tra le tante meraviglie c'era anche l'Impero delle Luci...meraviglia pura, intenso e poetico. Ho fatto l'abbonamento famiglia così possiamo tornare spesso e godere di tante belle meraviglie. La canzone è perfetta.

  2. It's just a beautiful song


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